Horizontal massproduction coater

Horizontal Inline Vacuum systems for large scale mass production
ASTRA-M is an inline vacuum coating system based on magnetron sputtering with horizontal substrates loading.

Coater description
Coating system is consist of 2 parts: vacuum chambers and loading/unloading tables (can be configured for automation system) that are installed in clean room. Standard ASTRA design is one-end, that means loading and unloading is made from one side and in the ends of coater there are lifts that move carriers from vacuum chambers to return conveyor and back. Optional coater can be modified for two-ends design when loading and unloading is made from opposite sides. Returned conveyor has dust free closed design that all coater can be installed in machine area. Substrates are loaded on the transport carriers that go through the vacuum load lock chamber to process chamber (sputtering area) where they move with constant speed and without gap between each other. Process chambers are equipped with all necessary technological systems for substrate cleaning, thin film coating and postreatment if required. Coater control is made from the HMI + PLC system in fully automated mode. Control system can be integrated with Manufacturing execution system (MES)

Available generation
By coating area size ASTRA-M is available in the next versions:
- GEN 4.5 with coating area 800x1100 mm
Other variation (not standard) can be discussed.

Together with the coating area size the main parameter that define productivity is cycle time (or tact time like in conveyor production). It is the time between unloading and loading transport carriers with coated substrates.
For ASTRA-M platform the shortest cycle time is from 45 sec.

Process stability
ZERO GAP transport system design (no gaps between transport carriers) ensure outstanding sputtering process stability that is required for high quality AR coating for display and touch industry.

Available coating processes
Having modular design ASTRA coater structure can be scaled and optimized for different production task. The following technological devises can be used:
   - Ion Beam Cleaning system
   - RF plasma cleaning system
   - Planar magnetron sputtering station (DC or AC)
   - Cylindrical rotary magnetron sputtering station (DC or AC)
   - RF magnetrons
   - AF evaporation system (anti fingeprint coating system)
   - optical monitoring

Substrate type:
   - glass
   - PET (or other plastic films)
   - other material by request

For details about configuration please contact us.